Family Outreach & Response Program

Families Achieving Mental Health Recovery

Families Healing Together Online Recovery Education

by | Apr 19, 2024 | Uncategorized

Families Healing Together Online Recovery Education is designed to educate and support individuals, families and friends who are recovering from mental health challenges, trauma or psychiatric diagnoses such as schizophrenia, major depression, bipolar, anxiety and other disorders.

Our relationship-centered recovery approach helps families explore the mental health continuum and the recovery skills and attitudes that build bridges from dis-ease to hope, transformation and healing.

Our fully facilitated, interactive online course is designed to support and educate individuals and families about mental health, emotional distress, psychosis, the impact of psychiatric diagnoses, and families??? important role in recovery and wellness, including recognizing their own emotional needs.

Recovering Our Families Online Course features:

??? Interactive, online learning

??? Strengths-based focus

??? Skill-building exercises

??? Enhanced group support

??? Family recovery coaching

??? Flexible course delivery

??? Media-rich resources

??? Diversity of perspectives

Our classes are open to anyone working with emotional distress???individuals, families, friends and mental health care providers.

8 Weeks of Hope and Healing

1. Sharing our experiences

2. Exploring recovery fundamentals

3. Understanding mental health

4. Harnessing the power of hope

5. Using a strengths-based approach

6. Building relationships amidst psychosis

7. Creating healthy boundaries

8. Celebrating recovery stories

For more information about Families Healing Together visit the website

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